The Kskin Story

Korea is well known to be at the forefront of beauty and cosmetic innovation. There are almost 10,000 Korean Cosmetic Brands available. As a Korean living in Ireland I noticed there was a limited choice of products and shipping rates were very high! 
I decided my mission with Kskin was clear: To provide best in class Korean cosmetics and derma cosmetic in Ireland and the EU at an affordable price!

Many of our brands can be classed as Cosmeceutical products, which, in general, have a higher concentration of active ingredients, meaning more effective, targeted results and a more direct approach. Cosmeceutical skincare works to protect, repair and correct at a deeper level.

Many of our products are vegan and most contain only natural ingredients and plant oil extracts, helping soothe a variety of skin conditions in a natural way. All of our products are cruelty free and also free of Parabens, Sulphates and other hazardous ingredients.  

I hope you enjoy the Korean Skincare experience! I'm standing by to answer your questions about our range of products and look forward to helping you achieve clearer, brighter, optimally functioning and healthier skin...

Thanks for stopping by...

Nina Lim 임 니나